Performance based budgeting

12 steps check lists

1. Cost volume profit Analysis -  is this the right business model?
2. Adequate Working Capital based on the trading strategies.
3. Minimizing Fixed Assets.  Where rental lease and financing are preferred.
4. The Marketing Performance Plan
Maximise P/S and maximise S/A in other words maximise profit margin and asset turnover.
5. The Production Performance Plan - downward trend.
6. The targeted ROE is structured on the 3 columns i.e profit marginturnover x leverage.
7. The cash flow feasability  -  liquid at all times
8. The borrowings and the repayment with interests.
9. The Finance Performance Plans
10. The present value calculations
11. Healthy performance standards on all Key Result Areas
12. Draw up the Income Statement and Balanced Sheet.  Are they realistic? test with the industry ratios.

The following metrics shall be incorporated :
a) Peter Drucker KPI metrics on his 3 strategies
b) Balanced SCorecard Perspectives
c) Du pont ROE format with KPI for each item.
d) Departmental metrics which include marketing, production, HR and finance.

(c) copyright 2008
Posted by Hj Arriffin Mansor 012-2786282 at 8:48 AM